About This Blog

Like many people, I love learning new things and challenging myself. Not like most people, I like combining them together to create a trial by fire, or at least some sense of pressure, otherwise, the things and challenges I try would languish on the side of forgotten projects.

My origin story, I guess

I started blogging a long time ago, in the time of LiveJournal, writing mostly short creative prose. I moved to Wordpress when I entered college to chronicle my independent study projects in math, and that stuff (along with knowing Mathematica) got me a job at Wolfram writing technical marketing copy.

I did that for a little while, and eventually moved to user documentation as I became more proficient in the Wolfram Language and that ecosystem of products. Now I'm in a hybrid content developer and software developer role, working on improving and maintaining our internal authoring tools for other developers.

Motivation for this blog

I joined DEV to talk about some tech things and curate good reading material (the platform is great, and I think every tech person should check it out), but it's hard to find anywhere to post Wolfram Language code-related projects and get traction, so I said fuck it and made a blog where I can freely talk about it and anything else I wanted.

Hence, here we are: Coffee With Code! I feel most relaxed writing with a cup of coffee (or tea, I love 'em both), so that's when I hope to crank out a post or two when I feel like it; I'm keeping the expectations low here, otherwise I'll burn out.

You can expect to find technical write ups on anything I'm learning about, which is currently mostly Python-based tooling, as well as what I'm allowed to share from work re: software development with the Wolfram Language.

I may also post about my life and stuff, for personal growth reasons.

Hope to see you around!